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10 February 2023 4 min

5 Life Skills from Poetry for Students to Learn

5 Life Skills from Poetry for Students to Learn

Do you think poetry is only for artists?
You couldn’t be more wrong!

Poetry for students can help them inculcate the best life skills. The skills which can help them to navigate their future life. Poetry online contest for students harness those skills to help students live a meaningful life.
In this article, we will tell you the 5 most powerful life skills of poetry. Go through these life skills and encourage your child to read, study and write poetry to unlock their potential.

1.Harness listening, speaking, and reading skills

Poems are one of the many text types that kids need to learn to read. Poetry has the distinct characteristic that it is frequently read aloud, repeated frequently, and shared in groups.
Children develop their listening abilities by orally listening to poems. They gain the ability to pay attention to the words they hear and consider what those words signify in combination.
Through frequent reading, students improve their reading abilities and increase their fluency. When a child sees it, hears it, and says it out loud, the connections in their brain are made. Children start to pay attention to the rhymes and rhythms in poems. As verses are drilled and read repeatedly, reading fluency grows.
Participating in poetry online contests for students encourage them to read and write poetry more. When students see that their efforts are being encourage and incentivised, they are bound to learn more.

2. Enhance your vocabulary and language

Words that rhyme are frequently used in poetry for effect. By listening for and finding rhymes, kids can learn about phonics and letter sounds. Sentence construction, speech patterns, and many other grammar concepts can all be taught through poetry. It might be challenging to teach grammar in an interesting way.
Poetry expands one's vocabulary. Children hear unfamiliar words for the first time and listen to them in context. Children learn how words are chosen for effect and to conjure up images in addition to hearing new ones.

3. Motivates Writing

Poems of diverse genres contain a variety of elements. Poetry teaches us how to combine words to create meaning and context. We learn how to select the appropriate words to evoke specific images and effects.
Poems may teach us a lot about the process of writing when we dissect them into their component pieces. We acquire the ability to adhere to a pattern and arrange words in a specific way. Some poems have enjoyable, easy-to-follow patterns that are excellent places for kids to begin learning how to write. Children who write poetry will be able to write in a variety of forms and styles.

4. Promotes Original Thought

A form of expression is poetry. Writing it enables us to express our thoughts and feelings about a subject, whereas reading it inspires us to connect and derive significance from our experiences. Children are encouraged to express themselves and their emotions via poetry.

5. Develops a Love of Reading

Reading can be challenging, and the first books kids encounter sometimes lack that special element. Poetry is unique. It contains that particular ingredient that kids adore in addition to a lot more!
Poetry online contest for students can promote and encourage children's inherent curiosity. In a child's mind, it inspires wonder and enchantment. Children are inspired to create new worlds and experiences through poems.
Poetry offers amusement and humour. Reading poems is interesting and enjoyable! They urge kids to add motions and move to the beats they hear.
Children should be encouraged to join online contest for students because they else risk missing out entirely.