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07 August 2023 4 min

The Value of Competition in the Classroom

The Value of Competition in the Classroom

Many instructors and parents have strong feelings about school competition. Some argue that it is harmful and that it undermines kids' self-esteem and raises their concern over their education. Others think that it is not only useful to pupils but also essential to their whole education. However, if you examine it attentively and think about it, you will undoubtedly discover that school rivalry has both positive and negative features.


Nothing like some good rivalry in the classroom. It stimulates and encourages pupils to provide their best effort. It arouses curiosity, and desire, and ignites a fire within. Healthy competition necessitates "collaboration and constructive engagement." Participants are encouraged to improve their skills and learn new ones.

Competition is an excellent motivator.

One of the most effective motivators is an essay competition. Have you ever observed that when you exercise with a friend, you run a bit faster? Have you ever done anything incredible while competing against your peers in a challenge? Competition, when treated in a healthy, constructive manner, may give an incentive to enhance performance. When you have someone to beat, you could study a little harder or practice a little longer. Simply said, competition motivates people to work more.

Competition increases self-esteem.

A good feeling of self-worth is an essential aspect of high school. It may sound contradictory, but losing in competition is the best way to boost your self-esteem. Our tendency is to believe that life continues on despite losses such as losing a football game or not getting a part in a school musical.

Learning New Skills is an Easy Way to Improve Yourself

Competing is an excellent method to develop new talents. Working toward a goal is striving for better performance in any aspect of life. You may look for a different problem-solving strategy to win an academic competition, experiment with new ways of developing an argument for a competitive debate, or change up your strength training program in preparation for a large tournament. Consider healthy competition as a chance to develop your own skill set.

Overcoming Fear is Aided by Competition

One of the most essential advantages of a writing contest for students is that it allows you to overcome fear. We all have a fear of proving ourselves or our talents in a competitive atmosphere, but addressing that fear - and getting through it - teaches us that we can live. When we see competition as a method to progress, the butterflies we experience at the onset of a big endeavor become more like enthusiasm than dread. And, later in life, when we're presenting a bid, interviewing, or confronting other challenges at work, we know we can overcome the situation, win or lose.

Winning and Losing With Class Are Valuable Life Skills

Competing against peers in academics, athletics, or extracurricular activities allows us to practice our reactions regardless of whether we win or lose. Of course, true emotions are necessary, but being an insufferable winner or a bitter loser goes too far and can harm relationships and prospects. Consider missing out on a promotion at your first professional job and swearing, crying, or sulking all day. That kind of action indicates immaturity and, maybe, a distorted image of your own professional life. What if you are the one who received the promotion and you cheer and holler and scream "in your face" to everyone who did not get the job? What if you tell everyone how big of a raise you received? Extreme reactions to competition, in any case, are unappealing. "However, just as you excel in everything—faith, speech, knowledge, all seriousness, and our love for you—see that you exceed in this act of grace as well."

Improving Collaboration and Teamwork

The "Competition vs. Collaboration" controversy is one of the most popular worries and misconceptions about educational contests. We wrongly believe that competition is the inverse of cooperation (for more on this, see our piece Redefining Competition in Education); but, when broken down, well-structured, intentionally designed contests actually enhance collaboration and teamwork. Most team-based educational competitions challenge students to complete difficult tasks that necessitate effective communication, collaboration, and teamwork. The fact that they are attempting to complete such a difficult assignment jointly motivates them to work harder at knowing their own talents and how to collaborate effectively. The fact that they are aware that other teams are attempting to attain the same goals motivates them to become more cohesive and better collaborators.

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Improved Social and Emotional Learning

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a challenging area of development for both children and educators. There are so many variables at work here that it can be difficult to predict what will have an impact and if the same actions will have the same impact on other pupils. Competitions, like all other methods used to assist children to develop social and emotional skills, can have a broad range of effects on various students. However, we are aware of best practices in the Online Competition for students 2022 design that can assist students in maximizing the benefits of contests. Students can develop a better knowledge of how to cope with opposing perspectives and ideas through competitions. They can learn to work with people who have quite different personalities. They can learn to deal with subjectivity in their daily lives. They can also learn to better assess and evaluate dangers. There are differences in how pupils react to contests, which influences how they will reap these rewards. Gender differences exist, as do socioeconomic differences and age differences. Knowing these facts enables us to direct our assistance as coaches, competition organizers, and educators to help each kid personally maximize the advantages of contests.

Increasing the Value of Peer Comparisons

Students are often comparing themselves to their classmates. This is an unavoidable truth of life. Human nature is predicated on the comparison. It is a natural method for us to assess how we are performing on the things that are important to us. What we can modify are the criteria under which we measure ourselves. For K-12 kids, comparisons are largely made based on social standing; how nice we are, how many friends we have, and how much respect we receive from others. We seek to help pupils perceive academics as a positive arena in which to measure themselves. To do this, we must assign a monetary value to academic assignments.


We can once again learn from athletics. We may begin to improve the advantageous comparisons kids make about their academic results by assigning actual values to academic assignments in the same way that sports tournaments offer value to physical traits. We don't want to imply that kids should value themselves based on their achievement in academic competitions, but rather that they should be able to recognize and appreciate the intellectual brilliance of students who possess these talents. Essay Contest for students, when well-designed, can assist kids in progress toward these advantageous peer comparisons and position them in the same high esteem as other social status comparisons.

Promoting Growth Mindsets

Dr. Carol Dweck published her now-famous book "Mindset" in 2006. This article outlined the advantages of having a growth mindset in learning and in life. Dweck observed that having a growth mindset causes us to always seek ways to develop ourselves, which leads to more opportunities in our work and personal life. It is not taught in school how to cultivate a development mentality. We may develop this talent by performing minor iterations and seeking improvement in the things we take on. Competitions provide a framework for our students to practice and foster a growth mentality. They provide standards for our progress and place a value on the difficulty of improving.


Competition success or failure

'Win' and 'lose' are simply words; it doesn't matter if you win or lose; what matters is how you play the game and how much effort you put into the game or competition. Everyone wants to win the competition, yet being a competitor entails more than just one thing. There are several others, such as honing your talents and learning new techniques. Be brave when you lose the game, and proud when you win it. Instead of comparing yourself to others, make better use of what you have. Losing teaches pupils how much work they must in in the future to develop themselves. After then, they may focus even more on this and prepare for the next tournament even better than before.



Enhances classroom community through developing ties helps to improve problem-solving abilities, brings out talents, skills, gifts, and creativity that may not have been seen in regular classroom tasks, and fosters confidence

Students acquire new methods as well as collaboration and a positive attitude as a result of healthy competition.

  • Students gain problem-solving abilities via healthy competition.
  •  Students have fun and enjoy themselves while competing in a healthy way.
  • Healthy competition instills confidence in pupils.
  • We become imaginative and creative as a result of healthy competition since it always pushes us to do better.